Monday, May 17, 2010

Zippy and Friends

After re-entering children's television with Bettylou, I was take by the cleverness of Yo Gabba Gabba. How they would teach you to brush your teeth with songs that would burrow into your skull. As I realized this was an amazing teaching method, I also realized the untapped potential in utilizing this method to deal with one of the more fundimental of human evils... Anger. Here is my attempt at exploring it with the help of some amazing friends.

Zippy: Hey Everybody, I’m in a Kids TV show.
What’s that? It’s a BEE.
Spelled with the letter B. Let’s see what he’s buzzing about. Hi BEE
Bee: I’m so pissed off!
Zippy: What?
Bee: Oooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so angry!! Ooooooooooooh!
Zippy: What’s going on!?!
Bee: Ooooooooh! Oooooh!!!! Eeeeeerrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh!
Zippy: What the!!?!
Bee: I feel like I want to punch something! Or someone! EEEEEEERRRRRGH! My blood is boiling and I can’t! I can’t! I can’t fucking breathe!!! My friend said something to me and so I yelled at him and I hate him and I also keyed his car!
Zippy: Hey Bee calm down. When did this happen?
Bee: (throwing things, shoving things) THREE WEEKS AGO! I HATE HIM! Don’t talk to Knuckles anymore. He’s a loser, a freak and he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about!
Zippy: When was the last time you talked to Knuckles?
Zippy: Three weeks ago? That’s quite awhile…what did he say to you to make you so angry still?
Bee: He said Clyde Shooter my favorite Basketball player on “the Hornets” was a klutz. I KNOW I’m going to find him and STING HIM in the damn face! Sting him in the face! Sting him in the face! Sting him in the face!
Zippy: Whoa. Do you realize, if you sting him, he could have an allergic reaction and die or at the very least have a scar?
Bee: I hope he gets a scar! A scar on his damn face!
Zippy: Do you realize if YOU sting him, you will die?
Bee: I DON’T CA – wait, what? What?
Zippy: You’re a bee. If you sting someone, you die right after. Why don’t you just call and talk to Knuckles and sort it out? I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt you.
Bee: (running around in circles) AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zippy: Bee, calm down. Seriously, you’re going to hurt yourself, or someone else. Listen to me, Bee. Don’t Bee Angry, Bee Constructive, Bee Calm. Look, anger isn’t a bad thing, it’s like when you get a side ache, you know something is wrong with you physically, right?
Bee: Yeah?
Zippy: Well, anger is the same way. It can tell you when something is wrong socially. When someone has done or said something that is morally wrong against you. It’s ok to be angry, but it’s been three weeks. That’s probably too long. Have you done anything constructive by being this mad?
Bee: I cleaned my hive top to bottom seven times in one day and I keyed Knuckles’ car and I told a bunch of people about how pissed I am and they all agree I should be mad at him!
Zippy: Ok, but where has that gotten you? You haven’t pollinated any flowers, you haven’t brought back any sweet honey to your hive and your friends are getting tired of hearing the same story about how mad you are without you taking any positive action. Also if Knuckles finds out that you keyed his car. You might get in trouble. If you let this continue to build, you’re going to end up being jumpy and mad, running from trouble and eventually end up stinging someone, hurting them and dieing yourself.
It Sounds like our friends are going to teach us a way to de-escalate our anger… By counting to TEN.

SONG - Count to Ten
[Break - what I do when I’m angry? #1]
Zippy: Hey Knuckles!
Moose: Hi Zippy.
Zippy: Why the long face?
Moose: haha. Very funny.
Zippy: haha…But seriously, Knuckles, you don’t quite seem like yourself today. What’s up?
Moose: It’s that Fucking asshole!
Zippy: What in the world? Who are you talking about!
Moose: This fucking asshole slipped in one of my pies.
Zippy: I love pie! But he slipped on one?
Moose: No my moose pies, ya know… Dooty. Anyway he fell and hurt his ankle. Now he’s suing me! If he would have been looking where he was going, he wouldn’t have stepped in my dooty and fallen like the klutz he is! He is such a fucking asshole!
Zippy: Whoa, Knuckles, LANGUAGE!
Moose: I know, I know, Zippy, but he IS a fucking asshole! He’s suing me for something so stupid! Yes, he stepped in MY dooty and hurt his ankle, but it’s not my fault! Now I have to get a lawyer and then possibly have to pay out the ass to this douche bag just because he wasn’t looking where he was going.
Zippy: Wow, Knuckles. Do you really think the guy is a fucking asshole?
Moose: Yes!
Zippy: Really? Do you know him?
Moose: Yes. He’s my neighbor, he lives in that basketball over there, and we’ve had some BBQ’s over the years together. But this…this just sealed the deal. I knew something was fishy with him when he paved part of my forest for a basketball court, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until now.

Zippy: Wait, isn’t this the same neighbor that helped you and Mrs. Knuckles build your deck and the same neighbor that gave you money toward your mission trip to Alaska?
Moose: Yes. But he’s turned into a money sucking hound!
Zippy: Have you talked to him about this?
Moose: No….After he fell I just laughed, because he had my poop on his jeans and he yelled at me, so I just walked off.
Zippy: Wow, Knuckles, so you just left him there in your poop and didn’t check to see if he was ok? You didn’t try to help him? I have a hard time believing your neighbor is a money sucking hound or an asshole or a douche bag – you’re the one rejecting him and that’s pretty devastating. He has done a lot of things for you … kind things for you. Do you think maybe if you called him up to check on him, you could figure something out outside of court?
Moose: Hmmm….I don’t know.
Zippy: Is he really an asshole?
Moose: No, he’s Clyde.

Song - When you call me a Jerk I’m no longer a person
[Break - what I do when I’m angry? #2]
Zippy: Whoa Bee! What’s going on!
Bee: I found out it was because of HIM that my favorite center from the Hornets has been out of commission the past couple games. STING HIM IN THE FACE! STING HIM IN THE FACE!
Zippy: Hold on!
Zippy: I know you are angry, and you have every justification in the world to sting knuckles in the face. But I saw something recently that might make you change your mind.
Bee: No Way
Zippy: Hold on behind this tree, and listen to our conversation before you do any face stinging. OK?
Moose: Hey Zippy
Zippy: Hey Knuckles why the long face?
Moose: Ha Ha Oh man that never gets old
Zippy: Ha Ha I know. You look better though.
Moose: Yeah I reconsidered that my neighbor wasn’t a fucking asshole after all. Clyde is a Basketball Player and so when he slipped on my moose pie…
Zippy: mmm I love pie
Moose: ha …when he slipped on my dooty and hurt his ankle he thought his season was over. I went over to his house and told him I was sorry for laughing at him. And that if I could give him some money for his medical bills I really want to make it up to him. Apparently that was all he needed. His ankle had healed well over the last 3 weeks, and he didn’t see any reason to keep a lawsuit against me being neighbors and all.
Reconciliation does feel better than the contempt I was feeling for Clyde.
Hey you know? Come to think about it? I haven’t talked to my friend BEE in about three weeks… since Clyde’s accident. That’s not like us. I should see if everything is OK.

Zippy: Hey Bee! Did you hear all of that.
Bee: Yeah…
Moose: Bee is everything OK?
Bee: I’m mad at you for calling my favorite player a klutz. I know it was because he slipped on your poop. I was going to get revenge when zippy asked me to listen behind that tree. I see that you patched it up Clyde, but I still am so angry.
Moose: I’m sorry Bee. What can I do to make it right.
Bee: I don’t know.
Zippy: Hey Bee, you know one thing that you can be proud of yourself about is that you still could hear me. Your anger didn’t control you. That you were willing to put your revenge aside long enough to hear what knuckles was saying. If our focus is in the right place, when we get angry but we will still keep our integrity. The anger doesn’t rule us, we can use it as a positive gage to know when something is wrong socially, instead of over-reacting or cutting off relationship from others.
Bee: I just wish I could NOT be angry. Zippy: That’s the hard thing about anger though. Its not something you can really shut off. Anger is something that comes from your heart. You can’t just stop it… it’s a part of who you are. When we indulge in it for 3 weeks it doesn’t just go away in a second. And usually it gathers its brothers contempt and malice and justifies revenge.

I know you want to DO the right thing and not be intensely angry at your brother. But because anger comes from your heart. You have to BECOME that kind of person that would naturally give the benefit of the doubt. Plus… You’re not a DO you’re a BEE. When you are someone who isn’t angry it is easy to not be angry.

Bee: Well How do I BEE someone who isn’t angry?
Zippy: When that question gets a hold of you, and you really are interested in answering it. What you can DO is trust God to walk you through the steps is takes to BEE someone who isn’t angry. God is the one that changes hearts.

Don’t be a do be a bee
Be the kind of person that would naturally do

Reconciliation Only comes from the heart
it’s not something that you do it is something that we are.

[What do I do when I get angry] #3 Zippy: Well guys its almost time to go
Zippy: but first lets remember what we learned today.
We learned that We can de-escalate our anger by counting to ten
We learned that calling someone names really shows us that we have contempt for them, and it is blinding us in giving them the benefit of the doubt
And we learned that in order to be the kind of person that isn’t angry we have to become that kind of person in our heart first.



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