Monday, September 12, 2005

The Penis Monologues

Happy 3rd of July! Are you in great anticipation of the freedom that you’re going to experience tomorrow…On Independence day? In light of the freedom we’re having this morning, I think it is necessary to talk on a subject that is no stranger to the bible. However it might be a stranger to the pulpit, because it is a hard teaching. It uses a word that makes us snicker, maybe a little red in the face. Possibly makes us think of non-churchly things. This one word in particular has a lot of humorous names, including the real one. This word is also a symbol of oppression… which we have been hearing quite a bit about in the last month. Some religions worship it, some fear it, but rarely do you hear a sermon that says it so many times.

A friend taught me a rather interesting game. Maybe you’ve played it. You usually play this game in a crowded location, possibly where it should be quiet. Here are the rules. You take an embarrassing word. And you say it quietly to your opponent. He (or she) then must say that word a little louder. And so on and so forth. Until you both are embarrassed and hoarse or, one of you concedes to embarrassment. What is the word that causes large embarrassment when uttered at gargantuan tones…? Maybe you have already guessed it …. Yes I’m talking about the PENIS. Yes and you too can play the Penis game.

Did he just say penis in church? Yes I did. The Penis… the symbol of manhood, the instrument of oppression, the fall of man, possibly the rise of man as well. Why on earth Geoff are you saying penis in church?… well I was polishing my American flag pole this afternoon getting it ready to let it fly for our independence day. And it made me think of my topic: Galatians. Well…for two reasons. #1 it has been said that Galatians is the “Magna Carte of Christian Liberty” and what do you want to hear more of on the day before your own nation’s celebration of liberty than “Christian Liberty.” AND #2 because how else am I going to have an excuse to say “penis” in church.

Actually there tends to be somewhat of a theme that is developed throughout the bible about the penis. More specifically the foreskin free phallus. Throughout the bible, there tends to be a rite or ritual that has been developed that is called circumcision.

I know you’re not stupid but let me at least explain the origin: It was established as a national ordinance (Genesis 17:10,11). In compliance with the divine command, Abraham, though ninety-nine years of age, was circumcised on the same day with Ishmael, who was thirteen years old (17:24-27). Slaves, whether home-born or purchased, had their dong’s dinged (17:12,13); and all foreigners must have their stiffies stumped before they could enjoy the privileges of Jewish citizenship (Exodus 12:48). During the journey through the wilderness, the practice of dick dicing fell into disuse, but was resumed by the command of Joshua before they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 5:2-9). It was observed always afterwards among the tribes of Israel, although it is not expressly mentioned from the time of the settlement in Canaan till the time of Christ, about 1,450 years. The Jews prided themselves in the possession of this covenant distinction (Judg. 14:3; 15:18; 1 Samuel 14:6; 17:26; 2Sam 1:20; Ezekiel 31:18).

Basically in order to enjoy the benefits of Israelite life one had to not have one thing… a foreskin.
Besides national allegiance, the act of prick paring was also a spiritual distinction as well to the Hebrew people. It was the symbol of purity. It was a sign and seal of the covenant of grace. It sealed the promises made to Abraham, which related to the commonwealth of Israel, national promises.

Why is this important? Because it is the backdrop of a tradition that gives us incite into what’s happening in the small church of Galatia at the beginning of the first Century AD. You see it was normal practice for people who were Jews to say: “if you want to follow my God you must get your organ of copulation clipped” for purity purposes of course. This is a long time tradition that that spilled over when Judaism moved toward Christianity and was an issue in the Church of Galatia.

The Gentile Christians of Galatia were being persuaded by some guys (Some call them Judaizers some call them religious teachers, I call them the Bobbiteers) to adopt Weiner Wacking and other distinctive Jewish ceremonies. Apparently, these Bobbiteers argued that such conversion to Judaism was necessary to participate fully in the blessings God promised to Abraham. In other words, if the Galatians wanted to be truly part of God's people (and thus spiritually free?), they must become descendants of Abraham by submitting to the Mosaic law.

Now Paul wasn’t necessarily happy about these Bobbiteers. One reason is because they were telling lies about who Paul is, and if he “truly” was a apostle. So if you ever read “the Magne Carte of Christian Liberty” you will see that Paul is engorged with spit and vinegar. But more than that, the Bobbiteers made Paul’s stomach turn. Because the Galatians had this simple faith in Jesus that was getting maligned by a practice of rules… He said this:

Oh, foolish Galatians! What magician has cast an evil spell on you? For you used to see the meaning of Jesus Christ's death as clearly as though I had shown you a signboard with a picture of Christ dying on the cross. 2 Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the law? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit came upon you only after you believed the message you heard about Christ. 3 Have you lost your senses? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? 4 You have suffered so much for the Good News. Surely it was not in vain, was it? Are you now going to just throw it all away? 5 I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law of Moses? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ.

Paul had little patience with this type of thinking. In his view it was "another gospel" that did not really deserve the name "gospel": those who proclaimed such a message were perverting the true gospel and deserved God's curse (1:6-9)—indeed, they were false brothers whose real purpose was to undermine the freedom that believers have in Christ (2:4-5). This was done by forcing these Galatians to be obedient to the Law. Which Paul goes on to say that those who are under the law are subject to Sin and Death.

The apostle's negative remarks about the Mosaic Law raise a difficult question. If the Hebrews of old were liberated from Egyptian slavery, only to be placed in a law system that shows them they can’t match up. Isn’t that going from slavery to slavery. Isn’t that going from suck to suck! Somehow the 10 commandments that descended from Sinai is supposed to be a symbol of freedom, and even the means of enjoying that freedom in the service of God. But according to Paul, all it shows me is how I don’t measure up. So how do we deal with this?

Now you know that when you’re in church the right answer is always “Jesus Christ”. That’s how we Christians can turn off our critical thinking skills and live in our Happy Place. But let me at least ponder it as an answer. He did after all say that he was the “fulfillment of the law”

31 Jesus said to the people F39 who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (but how can I really be set free if I know the truth and the truth tells me that I don’t measure up. That I’m bad. That I need help. That I don’t do things perfectly)

33 "But we are descendants of Abraham," they said. "We have never been slaves to anyone on earth. What do you mean, 'set free'?" 34 Jesus replied, "I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave of sin. 35 A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free.

This is the big enchilada…”when the Son sets you free”… This is kind of confusing so let me give you an application.

A couple versus sooner Jesus has this woman thrown in front of him. And the teachers who are about to trick Jesus ask him this: This woman was caught in the act of adultery, the law says to stone her (with stones) what do you say we do…

They had interrupted Jesus’s connect the dot artwork that he was drawing on the Temple floor. There were pictures of spaceships that people were confused about, they thought they were other things. Anyway… it looked like the teachers weren’t going away. So he looked up from his art and said he who is without sin, cast the first stone. The teachers got it… and the trick was tricked. The oldest left first and finally the young zealots left and Jesus was with this woman alone. And He asked her “where are your accusers” and she replied nowhere. And Jesus said “nor do I accuse you, go and sin no more.”

And Jesus does the same for us. We look at this law of perfection in front of us and we don’t measure up. And like this woman. We are subject to its consequences. But Jesus being our friend, stands next to us and sets us free from that. Giving us the strength and spirit to “go and sin no more. If we were in that woman’s shoes, same consequences. But when the Son sets her free, she is free indeed.

In developing his theological argument against these Boobiteers, Paul points out that the function of the Mosaic law was that of a temporary guardian. The Greek word used Gal 3:24-25; is paidagogos, which ironically was itself used of slaves who had the responsibility to look after children and discipline them …used to raise and discipline. When disciplined, usually it is because we have done something wrong. This perfection of the law thus naturally will make us feel inadequate. When standing next Jesus, I know I look inadequate. Who can measure up…

I believe monty python put it best when the Priest Prays “O Lord you are so….Big… So incredibly huge so absolutely gargantuan… we’re all impressed down here.”

But when Jesus stands next to us, he who has the authority to throw the stones at the Adulterous woman says “I don’t accuse you either.” And the acceptance of that grace is a start of a new life. Jesus in all of his “bigness” is the bigger man and lets us off the hook. Its no wonder that when Paul found out that these Bobbitteers in Galatia were saying: “in order to enjoy all of the freedoms of God one must be circumcised,” it was his hope that they end up chopping their own dicks off. For to truly enjoy the freedom that comes from God, one must simply come “as is.”

So than Paul in preaches to the pecker punchers that penis paring is posh, and does not reflect the freedom that they should enjoy as believers in Christ. He attributes Abraham’s own one eyed trouser snake shedding (the very first Hebrew Circumcision) as one of his spirit. Sure at 99 he got that little tager taken off. But Paul believes it was a symbol for something. Yes the spiritual cock clipping is called faith. Paul says “Abraham believed God, so God declared him righteous because of his faith." F9 7 The real children of Abraham, then, are all those who put their faith in God.

God sees you in the locker room of your soul, and knows, just like you do, that you don’t measure up. That you come up short. But be encouraged… Jesus has evened the playing field. Your shortcomings have been liberated through Christ. You no longer are subject to the standard that puts us all to shame. We only need to accept that free gift. That new life, that new heart, that newly sheared spiritual penis. We will never measure up. But because of God’s love and understanding… we don’t need to. We can stand unashamed in front of God and see that we’re good. That because of what Christ has given us, we are free to stand erect. To be thankful. To not use it for malicious and evil purposes. But to know that God has truly endowed us with life and life that lets us live large.

So today I ask you where is your spiritual penis at, have you had it liberated? Clipped to show that you are part of God’s children? The tip freed up to indicate that you are free from the immense standards of which you would fall short?

Maybe a while ago you had the foreskin of your spiritual penis removed, and by living in a spiritual community you have started to be infatuated by your own spiritual growth… And maybe you are demanding that others measure up to you. I tell you … be free. Don’t subject others to the standards that somehow you’ve developed. Those standards are idols that are keeping you from the love of God and the love of the people around you. You are not subject to those standards any more. You are free to live large.

And those of you that have never had their spiritual penis clipped. Oh don’t worry… it hurts like hell. The experience of dying to yourself for the sake of having God rebirth a new child within you is not easy… and the healing process takes a lifetime. Why on earth would you do it then? To have the honor of being God’s child. To be free from a standard that we will never measure up to. Or maybe its just simply time and God has finally brought you to this place. All I’m saying is: if it is time, know that God is gentle. That he respects the boundaries that you have. And you know what … He wants to take all that stress of measuring up, all those feelings that you’re inadequate, all that anger that your life isn’t what you want it to be;
he wants to take all that…
……and whack it off.

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