Monday, January 03, 2011

The Heart of the beginning.

It was the beginning. A man went to work with his brother. He worked nights because that was when nature was most on his side. Tonight it wasn’t on his side. He would go home to his wife empty handed. Their relationship was good, but spending a whole night and not having anything to show for it always was hard. They had to take care of bills, they had to take care of the boat payment. He knew it was going to be a fight. And she knew how to cuss even better than him. And he was a sailor. A fisherman really. Maybe this was the reason he hadn’t gone home yet. As his boat was approaching the shore from that terrible night, people seemed to be up early. A local celebrity seemed to be in town and the crowd was thronging. Pushing this guy closer and closer towards the water Simon and Andrew’s boat was to be docking right where this crowd was most crazy. As they approached the craziness, they began washing out their empty nets.

Jesus climbed into Simon’s boat and continued to teach people about a reality where people are very safe within a heavenly father’s rule. However awkward the situation of a strange celebrity entering YOUR space was, it at least prolonged Simon going home to fight with his wife about being a failed fisherman. Plus it was cool to hear what this guy had to say close up. After Jesus had finished, he told Simon and Andrew to push out a little ways. Simon knew that it was the only way this guy Jesus was going to get some peace as there were about a hundred people on the lakeside shore and they weren’t going away anytime soon. As they pushed out, Simon felt the peace that he enjoyed about the water, that he learned from his dad. Jesus directed them to go further out and told them to put down their nets. Reluctantly, and emphatically informing Jesus of their terrible luck last night, they threw out thier net. Suddenly the net began getting heavier and heavier. As they began pulling it up they had to ask Jesus and a couple other boats to help them it was so heavy. There was so much fish!

Recalling what this celebrity was saying earlier, Simon got scared. He told the figure with dread “Get away from me, for I am a sinful man.”

This was the beginning. Many think this comment is a normal response of anyone who is in the presence of holiness. And it could be just like Isaiah’s revelation of the throne. But on a second look, the reverential response of awe to this divine power for peter seems more like a superstitious dread of the supernatural stemming from a slavish fear of God. The response of someone who doesn’t know the Father of Jesus. Powerfully impressed with the superhuman knowledge revealed in connection with the great catch they just received, he regards Jesus as a supernatural being, is this zeus? Is this the crackin? And he dreads Jesus as one whom it is not safe to be near, especially a poor and sinful mortal as himself. He remembers "I was about to have a screaming match with my wife. I was going to go to the local bar so that dealing with zero fish could be more bearable at 10 am." This was Peter’s beginning, no knowledge of a Gospel which magnifies the grace of God. His piety, sufficiently strong and decided, is not of Christian type yet, it is legal, one might almost say pagan in essence

It was the beginning. A man just had finished praying under a tree. His local rabbi said that might be a good thing to do. The fresh air and the piety would be a good way to spend his time. He was an active member in his synagogue, but he always felt he would never measure up to some of the people that were there. One of his friends that attended was a little more enthusiastic then he was, so when he arrived on the scene Nathanael judged what he had to say accordingly. “Nathan I have found the Messiah! It‘s Jesus of Nazareth” This wasn’t a usual thing for Phil to say, yet whenever someone comes to you with an answer for the political injustice of your entire country, and that answer comes from a no-name town in eastern Oregon, you might say what Nate said which was: “can anything good come from Nazareth?”

There was sufficient amount of prejudice of Galilee coming from the more metropolitan areas to have this come from a prideful Judean mouth. Yet Nathan was from Galilee, and as much an object of Jewish contempt as were the Nazarenes. His inward thought was, “ Surely the messiah can never come from among a poor a despised people such as we are… from Nazareth or any other Galilean town or village.

It was the beginning. And he allowed his mind to be biased by a current opinion originating in feelings with which he had no sympathy; a fault common to men whose piety, though pure and sincere, defers too much to human authority, and who thus become the slaves of sentiments utterly unworthy of them. He said this because Nathanael really thought that greatness is not available in and around his vicinity. Though skeptical, he approached a Nazarene who told him that he saw him praying under the figtree.

It was the beginning. And a man resided in Capernaum. He absolutely knew who Jesus was. No man could live in that town without hearing the “mighty works” done in and around it. Heaven had been opened right above Capernaum. Lepers were cleansed, demoniacs dispossessed; blind men received sight, and palsied men received the use of their limbs. The daughter of a distinguished citizen was re-animated into one of the living again. Yes “His fame went abroad into all the land.” Everyone wondered and talked about the various miracles that were abroad, but for Levi there was something more that made him want change. Who knows what he had to turn from. Extortion, fraud, shaking down half the land. Breaking a couple kneecaps. Or maybe he was the “nice” tax collector, and repenting for him was simply retiring. Regardless, if he was greedy… he no longer wanted to be. If he oppressed the poor, he now began to abhor the concept. It was the beginning and he wished to follow someone who was taking burdens off of people rather than putting them on.

It was the beginning, and a dangerous man entered the ranks of the followers of Jesus. There were some publicists that would have frowned on the acceptance of Levi. But at least he was someone who was for the current parties in power. This man wasn’t. This man might bring political suspicion to the Cause of Jesus. Yet Simon the Zealot was called and accepted. And what a potential for bloodshed within the bunks of the 12. The tax-gatherer and the tax-hater. The unpatriotic Jew who degraded himself by becoming a servant of the alien rule; and the Jewish patriot, who revolted under the foreign yoke. Not an accident, but a prophesy of the future.

Our New year gives us cause to ask what are WE at the beginning of. I want to go a step beyond losing weight, drinking less, or whatever and ask us what is beginning in our heart today. What is it inside you that is beginning.

Maybe there is nothing that is beginning in you. Or worse maybe you look at the survey of people that I exposed before you and you see fools. You see a man who doesn’t know who God really is, or you see a man who doesn’t have any self esteem, or you see a man that just made poor decisions in his life, or someone who has sold out. The beginnings of this heart of judgement is one that will be the same next year… maybe your beginning is to be more able to see things that are wrong with others.

But I bring these guys up because we don’t usually look at their beginnings, we look at their accomplishments, their “Sainthood” their ability to be SPIRITUAL in the RIGHT way. But they had a beginning too. And if you look at Peter, Nathanael, Matthew, or Simon the Zealot, you will see their embarrassing (or maybe not so embarrassing) beginning. But I want to highlight that at each of these beginnings was a humble heart that actually wanted answers.

Peter and Andrew DID want Jesus to show how they might be fishers of men, Nathanael DID want Christ to teach him to really pray to a living God, Matthew wanted his life to be the way of lifting burdons, and Simon wanted to live in the Kingdom of the true Israel. They all wanted a life that was different than what they had. Their heart was ready for Jesus to change the course of who they were. What does your heart want to begin? Is there a call?

Is there something in you that is beginning to be an enthusiast? Like James and John maybe your heart’s beginning to heat up, and, as an unbelieving world would say, your heart is turned by a dream about a divine kingdom to be set up here on earth, with Jesus for its king. My encouragement today is to let that dream possessed you, and rule your mind like it has for others beginnings before you. This vision of a life on earth as it is in in heaven will shape your beginning and compel your destiny, like Abraham, today, I encourage you to let your humble beginning start. Leave your country and go forth on what might be a very humble prayer that asks Jesus “I want to follow you… I will follow you… How do I do it?”

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