We spend our live living in disguises. Some more than others. We sometimes see these disguises as helping us: gaining access to people and things that perhaps we wouldn't have access to if people knew our "whole" story. Other times we see these disguises as a catch 22 trap. You cant live with it and you can't live without it. As a result you see your disguise as a bourdon, that you alone must carry.
I interviewed two characters that you may know about their disguises.
G: Why the disguise Alice?
A: Why the disguise? Well I can hardly say this is a disguise. My size is not a disguise.
It has allowed me into other people’s worlds however. But you see, I'm not particular to size, only, one doesn't like changing so often, you know. You all are much kinder then that very contradictory caterpillar over in the garden. I’ve had such a very curious day. And just over there he asked me ‘who am I?’ Well, that was not an encouraging opening to a conversation. I told him I hardly knew, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.
This caterpillar seemed to be in a VERY unpleasant state of mind. I hardly could keep my temper because of his irritating short remarks. “Who are you? Who are you?” I can't understand myself to begin with; being so many different sizes in a day. I told the caterpillar I should like to be a LITTLE larger…three inches is such a wretched height to be. He didn’t agree. He said I’d get used to it. We’ll perhaps I would if I kept the same size for ten minutes together!
But I guess I’ve found that being a particular size makes you into different things to different people. For instance: to this caterpillar being three inches allowed me to be his psychotherapy patient. And to this pigeon after taking a bite of this mushroom, I was accused of being a serpent. Being a certain size to gain access to other people’s worlds may have its benefit, but it sure is confusing when someone asks “Who are You?’
G: Why the Disguise Mr. Kent?
CK: Why the disguise? What… you know? I’m sorry my name is Clark… I have no idea what you are talking about. Really, are you going to rat me out? Well I guess to answer your question I do get a lot of publicity. And because I do my job for free, I don’t have the means to pay for a publicist. I’m not Paris Hilton. Plus I love Lois, I can’t get her mixed up with being in the media…Even though she is the media.
It’s nice to talk to you though… you don’t know how lonely it is. I’m sure our relationship is going to change because of this conversation. Oh well, you don’t understand the only people who don’t treat me like some sort of super being, are villains. That’s not healthy. But I sort of get a rush when Lex or Bizarro pops up. At least they condescend me or try to put me in some elaborate trap. I at least know they care.
I don’t know. I guess growing up with this inner secret has permanently alienated me. I want to be normal, I guess that’s why the disguise. I can never confide or reveal myself to Lois or anybody without risking them thinking of me as different. I am different. And it’s not like they wouldn’t think leaping tall buildings in a single bound is cool. But I’m afraid if I reveal who I truly am… I’ll lose them.
Oh my secret is great. Who I truly am is magnificent. But I see these great powers as a great weakness that keeps me from intimacy. Why is it so hard to look internally for strength and greatness? I would probably say the greatest weakness that I need to share with those around me is that I don't realize my worth. I can't accept that I am a capable person worthy of love, as is. It's easier to resign myself to becoming a victim of my situation and hope that a superman will come and save me rather than to stand up for myself and losing the disguise.
Whatever our excuse for having these disguises; whether we must have them, or whether we choose to take them on. God is constantly asking us to be true to ourselves, and what He has called us to be. In Psalm 51:6, the psalmist writes: "But you desire honesty from the heart, so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being." True honesty comes via baby steps, starting from the inside out.
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